• Business and Growth Trends 2022

    As we entered 2021, the most optimistic among us believed that Covid would be squarely in the rear-view mirror by now. Not only is it clear that we’re not in the “post-Covid era,” it seems increasingly that we’re not even in the “pre-post-Covid era.”

  • Ogilvy On—The Future-Facing Marketing Organisation

    As CMOs strive to regain pre-Covid growth levels, they’re looking at worlds that are very different from the ones that their marketing organizations were designed for (many back in the age of the fax machine). More and more CMOs are wondering, “What just happened, and how do we get ready for the next time?” Questions have arisen not only about how the marketing function must change and be organized, but also what exactly constitutes good marketing – now and in the future. And, of course. how do we make sure we’re doing it?

  • The Future of Retail Brands in Motion

    Now as the prospect of a return to a post-pandemic way of life approaches in many parts of the world, what does the future hold for retail now? If the pandemic was the biggest shakeup in the industry, what happens when it subsides?

  • Will Asia Regain Its Velocity?

    As we enter the second year of the pandemic, there are many questions about the damage the pandemic has inflicted on the global growth model, the path of the bounce-back, and whether there will be a full return to normalcy. The question is: Will velocity markets in Asia regain their growth and get back to the transformation path of the past few decades?